Friday, May 29, 2009

This week we enjoyed having Sister Sullivan (Suzy) over for a visit. She served in the Eastshores Ward about two years ago. She was back for a quick visit before she heads back to Utah and we have had a blast reminiscing about all the times Sarah, Ashley, and I went out with Suzy and Sister Strom. We will miss you Triple S!

The end of the school year is fast approaching and I can't wait! Summer vacation here I come! Although this year is bitter sweet since Scottie is leaving the elementary school!!! It is depressing- but I guess I have to let him grow up. (Geezzzz I am not even the parent and I feel so sad-can't imagine what my parents feel like!)

Mom is coming home Tuesday-YAY! I am so excited. When she comes home we have much to do. 5th grade party,5th grade graduation, and DARE graduation. YIKES! How come there isn't more hours in a day?